Adult Guitar Lessons Review – Keith Dean

review of keith dean adult guitar lessonsA guitar system aimed at adults and adults only sounds like a good idea. After all, many adults want new hobbies, whether it is due to retirement or recreational time, or even just wanting to learn to play music.

In this review of Adult Guitar Lessons by Keith Dean, we will discuss whether or not this product hits that mark – an adult only program that is perfectly geared for more mature learners.

For once a product that doesn’t make outrageous claims. Adults Guitar Lessons knows its audience and sticks to it. There is no “guitar god in forty two minutes” claims, no blinking lights or letters, just straightforward, linear product information. This is already an enormous step above the horde of products on the market that try to shove themselves down your throat.

Adult Guitar Lessons is an online site. The fee is a one-time membership cost, and it is for a lifetime of usage. While we don’t think you’ll need it for a lifetime (the product cuts off after the intermediate level) we do think this is perfect for a person who has a family to take care of and a full time job to attend.

This way, if you don’t get through all of the material in a year, you don’t have to pay another fee. You have the lessons at your fingertips whenever you please. Yet another point that goes to show that Adult Guitar Lessons truly knows its audience.

Adult Guitar Lessons is a course that is highly recommended by us. Click here for details…

Review of Adult Guitar Lessons – Inside the program

While the main page for the site is a bit much (many independent companies aren’t fully aware that short, sweet, and to the point is more professional than pages and pages of descriptive text) it doesn’t try to tell you anything outrageous.

The lessons themselves are high quality which is yet another great step away from the constant flow of – the guy who buys a webcam and now thinks he should have his own product— videos, sets, and sites on the market.

The lessons are clear cut and focus on charts and tablature, as well as sheet music. This will allow you to learn the tools necessary to grow past the end of your lessons. The lessons themselves range from progressions, arpeggios, and chords to scales, triplets, and dozens of other techniques. While these techniques aren’t everything there is to know about guitar, if you have a family and a full time job, chances are you won’t be looking to become the world’s greatest guitarist.

Another cool part about Adult Guitar Lessons is that they implement songs into their lessons. From The Beatles to Van Halen, the program uses classic rock and heavy metal songs, as well as blues, jazz, folk, and country songs to help you polish your skills.

Conclusion of our review of Keith Dean’s guitar program

So what is the end result of our Adult Guitar Lessons review – Keith Dean? It’s a great product. If you have a family, a job, are retired, or even have grandkids, learning guitar can be a great hobby and can allow you to connect with your family.

Adult Guitar Lessons aren’t full of useless filler material; they are lessons that cover the exact things you will need to learn the guitar as an adult.

We highly recommend this product as a great resource on guitar leaning for adults.

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Click here to access Adult Guitar Lessons instantly…

Adult Guitar Lessons Achieves a Good Rating of 4/5 – Reviewed by Robert Ewing

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One Comment

  1. Jim Brown-Reply
    February 25, 2015 at 7:26 am

    The Review of Adult Guitar Lessons – Great!

    In this article we’ll take a look at the website This is a site that already has a free section you can check out, so is it worth paying the extra money for the members-only portion? It’s certainly a nice looking website, but does it back-up its look with actual high-quality content? Let’s take a look!


    Adult Guitar Lessons specifically target older people who are looking to get started on playing the guitar.

    The site itself has a very good-looking design that is easy to navigate through.

    There are separate sections on beginner, intermediate, lead guitar, licks and tutorials. There are also more tutorials and articles available for free at the website. You can take a look at these to see if this is the kind of site that you’d be interested in paying money to see more of.


    This is probably one of the best guitar lesson websites that I have seen. There is an extensive array of lessons for beginner and intermediate guitarists, the lessons are easy to follow and the instructors are good at what they do.

    What I like most about this website is its attitude towards learning how to play guitar. They value taking the time to build knowledge and experience rather than simply learning to play as fast as possible. Whenever you’re looking for guitar instruction from someone, this is the attitude that you should be looking for.

    When you see a guitar lesson site saying they’ll teach you how to be a guitar master in ten minutes, or that you can be better than B.B. King after a week, run in the opposite direction!

    The videos on this site are great. They don’t just show you different techniques and tricks on their own, but build from one lesson to another. You’ll learn palm muting in one lesson, then a number of lessons later you’ll have to apply this knowledge to playing “Run Around Sue”. The strong interconnectedness of the lessons means that this is an ideal way to build up your guitar playing skills.


    There are very few negatives things I can say about this website.

    One issue for some beginner guitar players will be that this site does not place an emphasis on learning quickly. While ultimately this is the attitude guitarists should have, those looking to impress their friends quickly with a few tricks and techniques would be better served elsewhere.

    It should also be noted that this website is designed only for beginner and intermediate guitarists. For those who have been playing the guitar for more than a couple of years, this site is only good if you’re looking to brush up on your skills and techniques. Hopefully we’ll see additions for more advanced students in the future.


    Adult Guitar Lessons is a professional, in-depth website that is highly recommended for those wanting to become well-rounded players. Although the website is geared towards older students, I don’t see any reason to tell younger players that this site should be avoided. With experienced guitar teachers, in-depth lessons and an easy to use interface, this is a website that I don’t hesitate in recommending.

    Rating: 5 stars out of 5

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